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Air Chamber – The ultimate vehicle storage


Could moisture be killing your car?

Unless you store your vehicle in a controlled environment – it most certainly will be; because nothing poses a bigger threat for the cherished car owner than corrosion caused by hidden moisture and constant condensation. That’s why serious car collectors use the Airchamber to prevent long term damage to their vehicles. Easy to erect, economical to run (typically around 20 pounds per year) and simple to use. Twin fans force up to 50,000 litres of clean, filtered air across every surface of your vehicle evaporating moisture and banishing condensation.

SKU: N/A Category:

Car Air Chamber

SIZING CHART (Length, Width & Height in metres)

Sportscar  – 4.15 x 1.8 x 1.7
Small – 4.5 x 2.0 x 1.8
XM Special – 5.0 x 2.2 x 1.8 – Currently out of stock (Arrival end of November)
Extra Medium – 5.2 x 2.2 x 1.8
Extra Large – 5.7 x 2.2 x 1.8 – Currently out of stock (Arrival end of November)
Extra Extra Large – 6.7 x 2.2 x 1.8


Whilst the controlled environment principle is not new, Airchamber’s rigid, three-dimensional inner frame technology most certainly is. No other system can boast this unique feature. It means that you can drive your car straight into Airchamber, or use it as a walk-in store for household items. It also means that once you’ve erected your Airchamber (a simple procedure that takes around 45 minutes) instant storage is always at hand – wherever you need it, thanks to full portability.

  1. Unique, rigid frame is designed for rapid assembly and super lightweight – meaning the Airchamber is fully portable when erected.
  2.  Full height ‘door panels’ on both sides allow easy access to either car door.
  3.  High quality lightweight synthetic resin material is UV protective, anti-static, flame resistant and tested to temperatures as low as -25oC. The material eliminates rapid changes in air temperature, preventing the formation of condensation thus eliminating damp and mould.
  4.  The base sheet is a highly durable nylon-plastic weave which is fuel, oil and brake fluid repellent. This super durable material has been developed to allow users to carry out minor maintenance within the Airchamber.
  5.  Hi-tech static trap filtration system removes all abrasive particulate matter from the atmosphere ensuring your vehicle/items remain in pristine condition.
  6.  Specified with 12v brushless electric fan motors, for maximum longevity and efficiency. These powerful energy efficient fans process around 50,000 litres of clean air per hour, rapidly drying damp vehicles and preventing condensation and rust.
  7.  Swift circulation of fresh air turns any shed or barn into the perfect environment for storing any occasionally used items (great for electric or mechanical garden equipment). Supplied complete with mains transformer and holdall.
  8.  Much less trouble than a bubble!

The airchamber difference

Air is drawn into Airchamber through filtered fan units. Re-circulating air currents dry object(s) inside. Excess moisture and stale air leave via zips and vents. Rigid internal frame allows drive-in drive-out daily use.

  • Prevents mildew, mould, rust, dust & moisture
  • Filters out harmful UV light
  • Protects against most accidental contact
  • Offers a degree of physical security
  • Keeps pets and children at bay
  • Super economical to run – all year round
  • Unique rigid 3D inner frame
  • Multiple sizes to cover most vehicles

Other popular uses… storage for:

  • Electrical Goods
  • Computer Equipment
  • Antiques
  • Gardening Equipment
  • Furniture
  • Archives/Records
  • Clothing

In deciding the correct size for your car the following factors should also be considered:-

  • The amount of available space
  • Does the garage door intrude into the available space (ie up and over doors)
  • How much space is required around the vehicle inside the Airchamber

If you need help selecting the correct chamber, please feel free to contact us.


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